Light Art Database
valotaiteen seura

Konvolv: Hamistagan

New Media Immersive Interactive Installation dealing with the relation between surveillance capitalism and hybrid warfare:

Components: Glass, laser, parametric speakers, instagram data scraping, instagram bot , multi projection

Team: Kaappo Lähdesmäki, Liisi Soroush, Camilo Sánchez and Niko Tiainen.

HAMISTAGAN contemplates sousveillance, attention economy, opacity, and hybrid warfare. In the present world, power structures prevail in virtual scapes where surveillance is executed through the mobile devices of the individual itself. The dialogue between past, present and future sustain whilst representing current forms of oppression in the information age. Whilst algorithms contribute to the co-production, the intuitive user flow with explicit metadata gives us away. Glass as chosen material depicts the mediaarcheological perspective on contemporary media reality under the scrutiny of theories on new materialism and communication under post- and transhuman landscapes. The audiovisual rhythm as the interplay with the rate of postings reflects psychological dimensions as a space to provoke self-awareness. The laser lights suggest war and security technology along with the aural experience inspired by the military use of parametric speakers. Experience ponders forms of freedom vs. privacy in the context of digital human rights. As post-pandemic discourse emerges, empowerment of the prosumer manifestation through realms of selfies at The Eras of Post- 9/11 / COVID- 19 /climate crisis…. - and expressing: "I'm here, I'm ok.“


Videos: ||
Links: ||

Team: Camilo Sanchez, John Lee and Reishabh Kailey | Collaborators: Liisi Soroush; Lasismi: Kaappo Lähdesmäki; Niko Tiainen


Artwork finished in: 2019

Hamistagan can be redeveloped, and evolve as site-specific depending on each location. Together with the curatorial team, we would be happy to redesign the set design and display structures.

So far we have presented the piece in two different versions. One version only uses laser reflecting on the glass surfaces. The other version uses multiprojections and laser pointers to reflect on the glass.

For the laser-only version, we require a laser use license from STUK. This license is to guarantee eye safety of the audience and operator of the laser. 


Dimensions: 15m2  multi projection version | 80m2 laser-only version. In the case of the laser version height should be of 4 meters minimun. A height of 6 meters would allow the exhibition of the space without supervision.

Light: The space should be as dark as possible

Sound: The artwork works better if it is away from other artworks that produce sound.

Electricity consumption: 

Standard mains current (10A/16A)

Support and other structures:
The work needs hanging points for the glass, laser or projector, and parametric speakers

Does the artwork use sound: 
The artwork uses parametric speakers, the sound is not heard unless one is under the projection of the sonic beam. Sound from active speakers is at normal levels and not constant.

Building time and people required (estimate): Minimum building time: 3 days. People required: 3

Artist's presence: Artist or their representative must be present during building

Which kind of light sources and what other materials and equipment are used? 
Laser:  class 3B laser for the laser-only version | Laser pointers class 2 for the multiprojection version
Glass: x7 Glass works between 30 & 40cm. Provided by the artists.
Computer: 8gb of ram, 100GB HDD, Quad core Cortex-A72 or intel i5, i
nternet access

Audio: x1 USB Audio Interface with 8 Outputs, x4 Parametric Speakers with Amplifiers. Ex: x4 HSS-3000 Emitter + x2 HSS-3000 Amplifier, x2 Active speakers ~30W, x1 Active Subwoofer ~40W    

Projector for the multiprojection version: x2 Laser projectors 4500 lumens