Jukka Huitila: Koski (The Rapid)
"I'm wading rapids, swimming in rapids and dropped them in a kayak. In the rapids, the senses become more sensitive.”
"I'm wading rapids, swimming in rapids and dropped them in a kayak. In the rapids, the senses become more sensitive.”
Artwork finished in: 2020
Dimensions of the work: W3525mm x H2270mm x D370mm Divided into six pieces 600mm x 2270mm
Spaces suitable for exhibiting the work: Outdoors, under a roof, Cold space (eg. a shed, a silo etc.), Semi-heated space, Heated space
Work’s durability:
Indoor work, requirements for the space
fully dark, dark (gleaming exit-lights etc. allowed)
Colouring requirements:
Electricity consumption:
Standard mains current (10A/16A)
Support and other structures:
The work needs support structures, hanging points, or similar
Required technology:
Easy installation to the wall
ambient sound, white noise audio
Minimum height of the space:
Minimum square meters of the space:
Building time and people required (estimate):
5h, 2 person
Artist's presence:
Artist or their representative must be present during building On-site building: Assembled on-site