Meri Ekola: Sensorial Activities 1
Sensorial Activities 1 is an interactive installation, adjoining vision and hearing into one experiential entity, 2018
Sensorial Activities 1 is an interactive installation, adjoining vision and hearing into one experiential entity. The interaction with the artwork happens through sound. The work has been inspired by chromesthesia, the ability to experience auditive impulses as sounds. The artwork happens inside a small cubicle, open on one side, with the visitors entering it one at a time. Inside the cubicle there is a semicircular light surface, headphones, and a microphone. When the visitor makes sounds into the microphone, they will simultaneously hear their voice from the headphones, and see how the colour of the light surface changes with the voice’s frequency. The artist has used light’s spectrum diagram in defining which colour equals which frequency. In addition, every visitor’s voice will be recorded and added as a part of the artwork; together the voices will create a complex soundscape.