valotaiteen seura
Marko Häkkinen
Master of music, b. 1979, lives in Finland
The works of sound and light designer Marko Häkkinen create something new and unprecedented. Immersive audio technology takes people to new, holistic experiences. Works created in the city center, parks, or public indoor spaces bring art for everyone to experience, guiding them from everyday life into other worlds. Influences drawn from nature are perceptible, and in the execution, ecological values meet advanced technology. Behind the works is a desire to create space for relaxation, reflection, and profound experiences. Light and soundscapes weave around the narratives of the works, guiding the listener towards significant questions and experiences. The positive effects of music and soundscapes on the human mind and well-being are of interest to the sound designer. Natural ambiences and meditative soundscapes sometimes grow into orchestral composed music, and the lights live alongside the sound. The works emanate peace and beauty, making them easily approachable for all ages.